6 Reasons An ESA Could Be Your Best Ally In Overcoming Depression

An emotional support animal (ESA) is a type of pet that provides therapeutic benefits to someone with a mental health condition like depression. Unlike service animals, ESAs are not trained to perform specific tasks; instead, they simply provide emotional support to their humans when needed.

ESAs for anxiety and depression provide support and comfort to help alleviate depression symptoms. If you’re not sure how ESAs help with depression or whether an ESA is right for you, consider these six reasons an ESA could be your best ally in combating your depression.

6 Reasons An ESA Could Be Your Finest Ally

If your depression symptoms are taking over your life, an ESA could be your best ally. Here are the main benefits of ESAs for mental health.

1. They Provide Unconditional Love And Emotional Support

The human-animal bond is well documented and can be mutually beneficial for both humans and their beloved pets. ESAs help their owners with depression by providing unconditional love and support. Depression can cause feelings of emptiness, hopelessness, and agitation, and an ESA can help you feel needed and loved. 

If you’re struggling with depression symptoms, the presence of your ESA can help ground you and give you a sense of purpose. And when you’re experiencing anxiety or extreme sadness, an ESA can physically comfort you and get you through the feelings.

2. They Help Establish And Maintain A Routine

Depression can make you lose interest in everyday activities, and it can cause you to have trouble remembering things. A structured routine helps you know what to expect daily and can get you going when you’d rather not. And there’s no more straightforward routine to create than a pet care routine.

Pets need daily care, including feeding, walking, playing, and grooming. Scheduling these activities at the same time each day helps add structure to your day. Routines also help reduce the uncertainty in your day, decreasing your stress levels and improving your mood.

3. They Encourage Physical Activity And Time Outdoors

Exercise has many health benefits—both physical and mental. Studies show that exercise as a behavioral intervention can alleviate symptoms of depression, and what better reason is there to go outside than to have an emotional support animal encourage you? 

A pet might need to go outside for walks, playtime, or outdoor relaxation. High-energy dogs often need to be walked several miles daily in addition to outdoor playtime. 

You should explore new paths to keep things interesting—if you’re unsure where to walk, ask for recommendations from friends or visit your local park department website for a map. 

4. They Serve As A Calming Presence During Stressful Moments

Pets can have a calming presence that helps reduce anxiety during stressful times. One study measured college students’ cortisol levels (the stress hormone) before and after a 10-minute animal interaction that involved petting, playing with, or just sitting with cats and dogs. The students’ cortisol levels dropped significantly after they interacted with animals.

An ESA can help reduce your cortisol levels when petting or cuddling with them or just being in the same room. This can be especially helpful for those with depression who are prone to stress and anxious feelings.

5. They Alleviate Feelings Of Loneliness And Isolation

A 2022 survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that around 32% of people felt lonely, while approximately 24% said they lacked social and emotional support. Of these respondents, 38.4% who felt lonely and 34.8 who lacked support had a history of depression, highlighting the link between depression and feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Animals can help people feel less lonely by providing a strong connection and support through their presence, as well as by cuddling with their owners or encouraging them to get out of the house.

An ESA provides individuals with depression with the comfort of a constant presence at home. ESAs won’t cure loneliness and isolation, but they can help support their owners through these feelings.

6. They Foster Social Interactions And Community Connections

Many pets—especially dogs—are social creatures and love interacting with people and other animals. For someone dealing with depression, an ESA can help foster social interactions and community connections by getting their owner out of the house and into a situation where they can connect with others.

For example, if you have a dog, you might take them to the dog park to run out some energy and socialize with other dogs. This exposes you to other dog owners with whom you can talk. And if you’re not sure what to say, your dog also provides an excellent conversation starter. This can reduce social anxiety and make you feel more comfortable talking to people you don’t know.

FAQs About ESAs And Depression

How do ESAs complement traditional depression treatments?

ESAs complement traditional depression treatments by providing comfort and support to their owners who are experiencing depression symptoms. An ESA alone likely won’t cure depression, but it can be helpful for individuals undergoing traditional treatments, including therapy and medication.

Can Any Animal Be An ESA?

Any animal that provides comfort and support to an individual can be an ESA. There are no restrictions on species or breeds of animals to be considered emotional support animals for depression relief.

What Steps Do I Need To Take To Get An ESA For Depression?

The first step to take to get an ESA for depression is to consult a mental health professional. If you already have a qualifying diagnosis, they can write an ESA letter that you can show to your landlord to overcome pet restrictions and waive pet fees or deposits.

Building A Supportive Relationship With Your ESA

Depression and emotional support animals go hand in hand. A supportive relationship with your ESA can provide comfort when your depression symptoms are intense. ESAs can also help you establish a routine, encourage exercise, calm you when stressed, alleviate feelings of loneliness, and help foster social connections. 

If you think an ESA for ADHD, depression, or anxiety could be helpful, speak to your mental health professional or get an ESA letter from an online service like Pettable.