How Massage Affects the Human Body

It is difficult to overestimate the impact of massage on the body. If the right techniques and methods are chosen, then during and after the procedure a person will feel a pleasant warmth throughout the body, he will improve his well-being, increase the overall tone. It is necessary to entrust the performance of massage therapy to professionals.

The network of salons Armonia SPA employs specialists with extensive experience. This becomes a guarantee that the stated effect will be achieved. Here you will be offered different types of procedures, as well as courses of SPA-programs, from which you can choose what you really need.

How Massage Affects the Skin

When working on the skin, all its layers are affected. Also due to the peculiarities of the mechanism of influence of massage on the body, the procedure helps to normalize and the work of the central nervous system, in which the skin has an inseparable connection.

Massage therapy helps to achieve the following effects:

  • cleansing from keratinized skin scales, as well as foreign particles (dust, etc.) that have gotten into the pores, microbes that are often on the surface of the skin;
  • improving the work of sweat, sebaceous glands, cleaning their outlets;
  • strengthening blood and lymph circulation of the skin, eliminating venous stasis, increasing blood supply and improving the nutrition of the skin, which eliminates pallor, flabbiness, dryness, elasticity, velvety and beautiful color;
  • increase in skin and muscle tone, which leads to smoothness, density and elasticity of the skin;
  • improvement of local and general metabolism in the body.

How Massage Affects Muscles and Joints

The impact of massage on the body is also manifested in increasing the elasticity of muscle fibers, slowing muscle atrophy, and reducing the already developed hypotrophy. Such procedures help to increase the efficiency of muscles, especially after intense physical exertion. Even with a short procedure (3-5 minutes), the function of tired muscles is restored faster than with the usual rest for half an hour, as oxygen is delivered to the tissues faster and metabolic products are removed.

Joints are also significantly affected. There is an improvement in the blood supply to the joint and periarticular tissues, strengthening the joint ligamentous apparatus, accelerating the resorption of joint effusion and pathological deposits.


How Massage Affects the Nervous System

Massage therapy affects the peripheral and central nervous system. The first reaction of the nervous system to mechanical stimulation occurs when the skin is worked on. In this case, a whole stream of impulses from many nerve-end organs, which perceive pressure, tactile and various temperature stimuli, is sent to the CNS.

Massage movements contribute to the weakening or cessation of pain, improve nerve conduction, accelerate the recovery process in case of its damage, prevent or reduce vasomotor sensory and trophic disorders.

Of great importance for the effect on the nervous system is the atmosphere in which the procedure is performed – dimmed light, comfortable temperature, pleasant calm music – all this enhances the therapeutic effect of massage therapy.


How Massage Affects the Circulatory and Lymphatic System

Massage therapy helps to dilate functioning capillaries, open up reserve capillaries, which improves the blood supply to the area being worked on. This increases the gas exchange between blood and tissue. Normally, there are 31 capillaries in 1 mm² of muscle cross-section, but after the massage the number of capillaries increases to 1,400. Due to the fact that reserve capillaries are opened during the workout, blood is better redistributed in the body, which has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

Massage also affects the circulation of lymph. The lymph flow rate is 4-5mm/second, but this can vary depending on various factors. Under the influence of massage therapy – stroking and intensive movements – the lymph vessels are easily emptied and the lymph flow is accelerated. In addition to the direct effect on the local lymph flow, massage movements affect the entire lymph system by improving the tonic and vasomotor function of the lymph vessels.


How Massage Affects Metabolism

The procedure has various effects on metabolic processes. Under the influence of massage movements there is an increase in the excretion of mineral salts from the body, which has a positive effect on the function of internal organs and the vital functions of the body In the blood, hemoglobin, red blood cells and leukocytes increase.

This does not increase the level of lactic acid and organic acids, whose increased amount often leads to acidosis. This explains the beneficial effect on tired muscles. Increased metabolism helps to reduce fat deposits.

How Massage Affects the Respiratory System

Stretching and kneading movements when working the muscles of the back, neck, the area connecting the diaphragm with the ribs contribute to the improvement of respiratory function and relieve fatigue of respiratory muscles. Regular massage procedures that last a certain time, favorably affect the smooth muscles of the lungs, due to which formed conditioned reflexes.

The main effect of massage techniques that are carried out on the chest (poking, rubbing movements), is a reflex deepening of breathing.

Have a massage in Armonia SPA salons and be healthy!